Keep Your Plants Happy with the FYTA Beam
Do you often find yourself staring at your plant, unsure of what it needs? Those days are over. The FYTA Beam is an AI-powered smart plant sensor that gives your plant a voice, helping you understand its needs and keep it healthy. Just stick it into the pot, connect the app—and start receiving updates from your plant.

The FYTA Beam continuously measures soil moisture, nutrient levels, light, and temperature, sending this data to our cloud via the app or hub.

In the FYTA App, you can track your plant’s progress and growth. What does it need? What’s missing? And how is it really doing? Spoiler alert: It’s about to thrive like never before 😉

The FYTA Hub ensures hourly data synchronization, allowing you to check on your plants anytime, from anywhere.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Still unsure? No problem. The FYTA Beam is a revolutionary product, and we want you to feel confident in trying it. That’s why we offer a 100-day satisfaction guarantee: if you’re not happy, we’ll take the Beam back and refund your full purchase price. Need help? Reach out to us anytime through the app—we’re always here to support you and your plants.
5 years Guarantee
100 days money back policy
free customer support
Avoid Waterlogging with the Right Beam Legs
The best place to measure soil moisture is in the lower third of the pot. Why? Because over time, watering causes moisture to settle at the bottom. To prevent overwatering, the FYTA Beam is designed with adjustable soil probes that can be tailored to your pot and plant size—accommodating pots up to 60 cm tall! Check your pot size and order the appropriate probes along with your Beam today.

Keep Your Plants Happy with the FYTA Beam
Do you often find yourself staring at your plant, unsure of what it needs? Those days are over. The FYTA Beam is an AI-powered smart plant sensor that gives your plant a voice, helping you understand its needs and keep it healthy. Just stick it into the pot, connect the app—and start receiving updates from your plant.

The FYTA Beam continuously measures soil moisture, nutrient levels, light, and temperature, sending this data to our cloud via the app or hub.

In the FYTA App, you can track your plant’s progress and growth. What does it need? What’s missing? And how is it really doing? Spoiler alert: It’s about to thrive like never before 😉

The FYTA Hub ensures hourly data synchronization, allowing you to check on your plants anytime, from anywhere.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Still unsure? No problem. The FYTA Beam is a revolutionary product, and we want you to feel confident in trying it. That’s why we offer a 100-day satisfaction guarantee: if you’re not happy, we’ll take the Beam back and refund your full purchase price. Need help? Reach out to us anytime through the app—we’re always here to support you and your plants.
5 years Guarantee
100 days money back policy
free customer support
Avoid Waterlogging with the Right Beam Legs
The best place to measure soil moisture is in the lower third of the pot. Why? Because over time, watering causes moisture to settle at the bottom. To prevent overwatering, the FYTA Beam is designed with adjustable soil probes that can be tailored to your pot and plant size—accommodating pots up to 60 cm tall! Check your pot size and order the appropriate probes along with your Beam today.

Product Specs
![]() Single |
![]() Set 3 Beams |
![]() Set 5 Beams |
![]() Set 10 Beams |
FYTA Beam |
1 |
3 |
5 |
10 |
Legs Length |
7,5 cm |
7,5 cm |
7,5 cm |
5x 7,5 cm, 5 x 14 cm |
pH-Kit |
- |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Free app for Android and i0S |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Hybrid power supply, with a battery life of over 2 years |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Bluetooth 5.0 for wireless connection to the smartphone |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
FYTA Hub included, connects via your home Wi-Fi network |
- |
- |
✓ |
✓ |
Mehr Pflanzen, mehr Beams, mehr Sparen!

For a Great Start
1 Beam + Wi-Fi HubDo you want your plant to thrive and stay healthy? Get our starter kit. The sensor...
€69,99 EUR
Most popular
3 Beams + Wi-Fi HubFor your three favorites plants or those that need extra care? The 3-Sensor Set. Each...
€139,99 EUR
5 Beams + Wifi HubYou want to give all of your plants a little extra love? Save big with the...
€219,99 EURFYTA Beam
- Für alle Topf- und Zimmerpflanzen geeignet, die sich in handelsüblichen Substraten befinden
- Überwacht Bodenfeuchtigkeit, Nährstoffversorgung, Temperatur und Lichteinfall
- Pflanzenspezifische Echtzeit- und Langzeitanalyse
- Pflanzenerkennung über Smartphone Kamera
- Riesige Datenbank mit über 1.400 Pflanzen und konkrete Handlungsanweisungen für gesunden Pflanzenwachstum
- strahlwasserdicht
- Hybride Stromversorgung, mit einer Batterielaufzeit von über 2 Jahren
- Bluetooth 5.0 für kabellose Verbindung zu Smartphone, optionale Erweiterung zu Wi-Fi möglich mit dem FYTA Hub
- Körper aus recyceltem Kunststoff
- Maße: 56 x 32mm (Körper), 75mm (Stablänge), am besten geeignet für eine Topfhöhe zwischen 10-15 cm, austauchbare Bodenstäbe in verschiedenen Längen im FYTA Shop erhältlich
- Maße des abgebildeten Pflanzentopfs: 14cm (Höhe), 13,5cm (Breite)
- Gewicht: 20g
Wi-Fi Hub
- Mit dem FYTA Hub kannst du die Bluetooth 5.0 Verbindung über dein Heim-Wi-Fi-Netzwerk erweitern und überall mit deinen Pflanzen verbunden sein
- Daten werden stündlich von den Beams gelesen, die Auswertungen werden dir automatisch zugesendet
- Daten werden für dich in eine sichere Cloud hochgeladen
- Du kannst mehrere Sensoren leichter verwalten
- Anbindung mit USB Kabel (inbegriffen)
- Maße: Höhe: 30mm, Durchmesser: 40mm
- Gewicht: 70g
Bodentest pH-Kit
- Mit unserem pH-Kit kannst du messen, ob deine Pflanze in der richtigen Erde steckt
- Der passende pH-Wert ist wichtig für die Nährstoffzufuhr deiner Pflanze
- Je nachdem wie du gießt oder düngst, verändert sich der Wert: Eine regelmäßige Kontrolle lohnt sich!